Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things 3-8

The remaining things about me that others may not have known.
3. I started meditating a couple weeks ago. I'm also reading a book about it by someone who shares my birthday (Pema Chödrön).
4. I don't think it particularly means anything when people have the same birthday.
5. When grocery shopping I often feel the need to choose between organic food and fair trade or local. I am happy when I can find something that's all of those. But I definitely choose non-corporate over corporate if it comes down to it. I figure the small worker-owned company will go organic when they can.
6. Movies that combine physical pain and suffering with humor make me very uncomfortable.
7. Sometimes I open up mp3s in Audacity, split the stereo tracks, move one of them so they are offset by an exact number of beats, and listen to it for a while. It becomes pretty clear which recordings used click tracks and which did not.
8. The first time I saw Star Wars I thought C-3PO was called "Creepio" and that it didn't really matter if Luke died in the trash compacter.


  1. Things I did NOT know. The Audacity exercise sounds cool. Now if we could somehow come up with an Enoizer app that cuts out the "middle" like crossed speaker leads used to.

  2. Actually that is possible with Audacity too. (Split the stereo tracks, "Invert" one, listen to them together both as mono -- I'm listening to The Posies' My Big Mouth that way right now.) I don't do it much because the result is only a mono track which is not as exciting on headphones.
